Red Dwarf: Every Major Character Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Kryten 2

Red Dwarf Cat

Robert Llewellyn replaced David Ross through sheer happenstance, with the original Kryten unavailable when the character was revived, but you’d imagine all involved (including Ross) would agree this was for the best. His connection to his character seems more disparate to that of Craig’s, for example, but the innate affability Llewellyn brings to his signature role makes the revamped Kryten so much better than the original version.

Much of the character is retained - his love of service, his inability to refuse an order - but the second Kryten is a character all of his own. Far from being a wacky butler, Kryten is an invaluable part of the Red Dwarf crew - a servile one, sure, but a character with his own interests and motivations beyond menial graft.

Llewellyn walks an impressive tightrope here, making Kryten a sweetheart but not a sap, naive but not a bozo. The charmingly ramshackle costume contributes to this, with Kryten looking like no robot before or after, the show’s limited budget only adding to the character’s immense likeability.

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Red Dwarf
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)