Red Dwarf: Ranking The Time Travel Episodes From Worst To Best

6. Timeslides

There have been countless ways in which Lister and co. have manipulated the space time continuum, and Timeslides features the most Red Dwarf explanation of all: mutated developing fluid. Able to visit any period of time they have a photograph of, Lister then gives his 17 year old self an invention that makes him rich beyond his wildest dreams. This creates a timeline in which he marries supermodel Sabrina Mulholland-Jjones, and lives in a mansion complete with larger than life statue of himself that urinates champagne. As the first episode to feature the idea of actually changing time, it doesn't hold up as well as those which came after it. Suspending enough disbelief to accept that Rimmer can climb through a photograph into an alternate reality where Lister is filthy rich isn't a problem, but his appearing in a room with no camera is. The inclusion of Hitler in a time travel scenario is also rather cliché, although his special guest star credit as himself does raise a few laughs. These points aside it does finish on a high; bringing yourself back from the dead only to kill yourself mere moments later is something that could only happen to the serially unlucky Arnold J. Rimmer. But then perhaps that's exactly what he deserved.
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One man fate has made indescribable