Rick And Morty: 10 Worst Things Morty Has Done

7. Ruined Mr Lunas' Life

Rick And Morty
Adult Swim

While some people might have been disappointed by season three's lack of Interdimensional Cable, there's no doubt that the replacement made one hell of an impression. "Morty's Mind Blowers" was a hilarious episode with a great set-up, and it also gave us a direct path to some of Morty's worst moments.

The episode followed the titular pair as they went to Rick's memory storage room, where he keeps all of the moments in Morty's brain that he's erased. While looking through them, they encounter some awful things, and one of the worst was the fate of Mr Lunas.

One night, when staring into space through a telescope, Morty spots a mysterious and sinister-looking man on the moon. He's furious when his family suggest it might have been a "smudge on the lens", and his paranoia is made even worse when the moon man appears at his school as the new guidance counsellor.

Naturally, Morty investigates and takes his findings to Principal Vagina, who fires the man for paedophilia. While he was fired for the wrong crime, it seems Morty is safe at least, but then he finds out the truth. It turns out the man he saw was just a smudge on the lens, and Mr Lunas - who took his life as a result of Morty's investigation - was innocent. Yikes.


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