Rick And Morty Season 3: 8 Things We Cannot Wait To See

2. Beth, Do You Still Love Me?

Rick and Morty Season 3
Adult Swim

Fans should not be sad to see Beth and Jerry split up. Instead, they should be excited to see what happens with them as single people.

Beth will almost undoubtedly prowl the streets try to find a young man to share a bed with. Meanwhile, Jerry could struggle to overcome his divorce, but somehow find himself exploring his more than hinted at homosexual urges. Yet, it could ironically be the other way around. With Beth finding it difficult to get over her worm of a husband, and Jerry having the time of his life whilst being oblivious to men constantly hitting on him just as Beth was with her horse surgeon partner.

Even if none of this happens, Jerry is sure to be a pivotal character because of his alliance with the Galactic Federation and his strained relationship with Rick. And Beth is sure to develop as a character by reflecting on her life and the decisions she has made. Furthermore, with Beth accidentally causing Summer to turn into a giant, we are getting to see the alchoholic and ruined daughter interact with more of her dad's secret inventions.


Callum Smith hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.