6. We Didn't Love: Drake And Bella's Marriage
Like lots of television series, Ripper Street has left a gap chronologically between seasons one and two, so it would be fair to assume that plenty has happened during that time. Most of these changes are fantastic London is darker and more violent (I'll go into that later) and we've apparently moved on from the Ripper. However, one of the changes we didn't love was the sudden revelation that Sergeant Drake and Bella are married. If you can't remember, Bella was one of Long Susan's girls who appeared in the last episode of season one. Drake, in a beautifully pathetic scene, went to Bella for comfort and ended up just asking her to sit with him whilst he slept. In season one this seemed like the perfect way to show us just how alone and unloved Drake was when you go to a prostitute for a hug, you really need to have a long hard look at your life. But, now in season two, to find him apparently happily married seems... wrong. After spending the entirety of the first season rooting for poor Drake throughout his doomed love-stricken arch with Rose, to introduce him in this season with Bella is dissatisfying. The scene where we see them together for the first time is beautiful your heart really does go out to finally see Drake so happy. However without seeing the back-story of how this romance blossomed, you feel cheated. Unless there's some flashbacks coming up later in the series, dropping us in at the end of this romance is definitely something we didn't love.