Riverdale Season 3: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From ‘The Raid’


2. Gladys Has Become A Caricature

Riverdale Gladys Jones
The CW

The long-teased arrival of Jughead's mother took place earlier this season when Riverdale's answer to Holden Caulfield sought her out in an attempt to help Archie. With a penchant for leather, a sometimes-broody outlook and a little roughness around those edges, Gladys Jones was every bit as compelling as her son and, at one point, it certainly seemed as though she could have added a great deal to the show.

However, since she actually showed up in Riverdale, she has become much less appealing - not because she's not a good person, but because she's such a thinly-written character. In a matter of episodes, she has gone from a troubled mother with a criminal past to a one-dimensional drug lord that is literally only driven by, well, being a drug lord.

In fact, her only ever on-screen appearances in recent weeks have been to issue threats to Jughead (yes, because living under the same roof with the person you know is trying to sabotage you is totally plausible) or to smirk at his complete lack of success. It's gotten to the point where there is no real emotion between the two of them whatsoever - not even a bitter hatred. Yes, it's that flat.

She has no story, she has no point and she has no goal - as a result, she lacks any important kind of depth. There was something there once but due to cliché "badassery" and a distinct lack of purpose, Gladys is nothing more than a villainous caricature that serves no purpose other than being the stereotypical villain - a stepping stone for a more interesting character to overcome.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.