Riverdale Season 3: 3 Ups & 5 Downs From 'Jawbreaker'

2. All In A Look

Riverdale Veronica Archie
The CW

Archie's impending rematch with Randy Ronson presented him with an opportunity to briefly work with old flame Veronica Lodge. Though a 'Varchie' team-up has been endlessly recycled over the show's run, it proved to be a somewhat refreshing aspect to this otherwise messy episode - simply because the pair have barely interacted since breaking up.

Despite the fact that Archie is now with Josie and Veronica had an on-again/off-again thing with Reggie, it's pretty clear that these two are destined to get back together and, if that brief moment they shared together in Archie's living room is anything to go by, it could be sooner than we think.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.