Scrubs Quiz: Who Said It – John Dorian Or Christopher Turk?

This is a Jambalaya invitation!

Scrubs Turk JD

Scrubs gives you that same feeling an early warm morning does - when the first rays of the golden sun break through the trees, the air is clean and fresh, people are just appearing on the streets, and there is still a whole day ahead, filled with new discoveries, adventures, and communication. And all this splendour is placed in a glass ball, which you can look into at any moment.

Scrubs is a fantasy with its heroes and their exploits, directed against villains, formidable on the outside, but vulnerable on the inside. It's an absurd comedy and a tear-jerking drama about the period of life when graduates became workers.

The main character J.D and his best friend Turk had a truly special bond. Their bromance started in the medical university and after graduation, they came to the hospital as insecure students. But, throughout the series, they grew both professionally and personally.

The question today is, do you know them well enough to be able to to tell them apart from just their quotes alone? Let's find out!

1. “Sometimes In Life When You Get What You Want, You End Up Missing What You Left Behind.”


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.