Seinfeld Quiz: Did They Date Jerry, George Or Kramer?
Let's see if you can identify if each of these women dated Jerry, George or Kramer.

In the 9 seasons of Seinfeld, Jerry and his friends spent a lot of time hanging out at each others. Either at Jerry's apartment or Monk's, the gang always seemed to be getting together.
When they weren't together, or on a rare occasion at work, we usually got to see the friends go out on dates. It seemed like Jerry, Kramer and George were always going out with a different girl in each of the 180 episodes, usually breaking up with them for a ridiculous reason.
It's been estimated that over the course of the show we either saw or heard about Jerry, George and Kramer dating around 135 different women combined. That's a lot of first dates and break ups.
With so many dates during the show, it would take a Seinfeld expert to remember who they all were. This quiz features 12 of their dates from the show, all you need to do is work out who it was they went out with.
Can you remember who Jeannie had a "truly mutual" breakup with? Do you know if Lola dated George, Jerry or Kramer?
Let's see if you can identify who each of them dated. Good luck!