Seinfeld: The Hardest Newman Quiz On The Internet

Jerry refers to Newman as being "pure evil" but he does concede that "he is Merry!".

newman seinfeld

Hello, Newman.

It's never explicitly stated why or how Newman became the arch nemesis of Jerry in Seinfeld but it's very clear there is a history there. Newman is the Joker to Jerry's Batman or to use a more apt reference, Lex Luthor to Jerry's Superman. Newman usually in some way or another is finding a way to disrupt Jerry's care-free life with ever more elaborate plans.

No character in Seinfeld, not even Elaine, takes as much pleasure in seeing Jerry fail. At one point Jerry refers to Newman as being "pure evil" but he does concede that "he is Merry!".

Newman appears in 44 episodes of Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld's immortal sitcom and is often the highlight of any scene he appears in. He is the most recurring speaking character in the show outside of the main four characters and his chemistry with Michael Richards' Kramer should probably have led to a spin-off comedy somewhere down the road. Kramer and Newman; who wouldn't have wanted to see that?

After our previous quizzes looking at the other main Seinfeld characters, it's time for Newman to step through Jerry's door and make his presence known. Hello, questions...

1. True Or False: We Never Find Out Newman’s First Name?


Christopher Weaver hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.