Seinfeld: The Progressively Easier Did George Costanza Say It Quiz

Can you prove your Seinfeld knowledge by identifying George Costanza quotes!

Seinfeld George Costanza

Life for Seinfeld's George Costanza never seems to go to plan.

Across the nine seasons of Seinfeld, George would often find himself out of a job. Added to that, he was always on the lookout for a girlfriend, and when he did finally get engaged, he spent most of his time trying to work out how to end the relationship. Eventually, his fiancée Susan would die from toxic envelopes that George picked because they were the cheapest.

A lot of the 180 episodes of Seinfeld were also about how George would lie or cheat to get out of a situation. For example, he got Elaine to take an IQ test for him, he'd pretend to have a great job so that he could impress women, and George even made fake sales when working for his father selling computers.

Throughout the show, George was one of its funniest characters, often due to his unique outlook on life. The question is, do you remember some of the hilarious things George said?

This quiz features 12 quotes from Seinfeld characters, and all you need to do is work out whether George said each of these quotes or not. Good luck!

Answers at the end!

1. People Love Cinnamon. It Should Be On Tables At Restaurants Along With Salt And Pepper.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.