Seinfeld: The Ultimate Job Quiz

How well do you know all the gang's careers?

Elaine Benes Seinfeld

Across all 9 seasons of Seinfeld, only Jerry managed to hold down the same job over the course of the show.

George spent quite a number of the 180 episodes in search of a job. He was fired from his Real Estate agent job, was traded for chicken at the New York Yankees, and had his hand modelling career ended by a hot iron. Even when he was in work, George spent a huge amount of energy trying to do as little work as possible.

Elaine managed to have the biggest career highs and lows over Seinfeld's nine years. Just as she's about to be promoted at Pendant Publishing, the company goes under and she's forced to become a secretary for Mr Pitt. A chance encounter with J. Peterman gets her a writing job for his catalogue, and she even manages to take charge of the company... though it doesn't last long, as Peterman returns soon after.

In the words of Kramer, he "gets by". Never seeming to hold down a steady job, Kramer has been on strike for 12 years. Instead, he makes money from small acting jobs and any scheme he can come up with.

With so many jobs held down over the years, how well do you know all the gang's careers? Let's find out!

Answers at the end!

1. Where Was George Fired From For Sleeping With The Cleaner On His Desk?


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.