Sense8 Finale: 10 Biggest Questions We're Left With After 'Amor Vincit Omnia'

3. Did The Cluster Continue Searching For Other Sensates?

Sense8 Finale

The August 8 cluster was the main target - and in some ways the only target - for Whispers, and as a result, the villainous antagonist spent the two seasons of the show searching high and low for this particular group of homo-sensorians. But we learned in Season 2 that there are plenty of other sensates out there in the world, some of which Riley found - Mr Hoy and Bodhi to name a few.

With Whispers out of the way, BPO restored to its original non-threatening state, and the zombie drone program put to bed, will the eight protagonists continue searching for other sensates and other clusters?

There's no immediate reason for them to continue searching, but there's not particularly a reason for them to stop either. In a world populated by humans, perhaps a few more homo-sensorians would help the cluster feel less alone.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.