News broke a couple of weeks ago about the prospect of the BBC hit series Sherlock returning for a one-off special, possibly later this year. After co-creator Mark Gatiss announced with much doom and gloom that Series 4 wouldn't air until early-2016, star Martin Freeman spoke about Gatiss and fellow co-creator Steven Moffat having a "fantastic, really mouthwatering idea" for a one-off story. For Sherlock fans like myself, the disappointment of having to wait even longer for Series 4 is balanced tantalisingly by the myriad opportunities that a one-off episode throws up. It's an opportunity to keep fans on board while teasing where Series 4 will eventually go, much like the mini-episode 'Many Happy Returns' did before Series 3 began. It's also possible that such an episode could be used to address some of the criticisms of Series 3 (though it's unlikely that they'll take up any of my recommendations). Here, then, are ten succinct possibilities for what a one-off special of Sherlock might entail. Some of these suggestions are on the fanciful or speculative side, but considering how little we have to go on, that's hardly surprising. We'll begin with a story involving a jewel and a goose...
Freelance copywriter, film buff, community radio presenter. Former host of The Movie Hour podcast ( and click 'Interviews'), currently presenting on Phonic FM in Exeter ( Other loves include theatre, music and test cricket.