Sherlock: 5 Reasons Why The Next Villain Won't Be As Awesome As Moriarty

3. His Quirks

Who doesn't love Jim Moriarty's priceless little quirks? He may be one of the most evil men to ever grace the small screen, but, frankly, he is also one of the most hilarious. I've said Moriarty has a reason for everything, no matter how random it may seem; however, he is at his best when he chooses to do certain things, not for any particular reason, but simply because he can. His 'Stayin' Alive' ringtone? In 'Reichenbach' we learn that the song reminds him of his boredom with existence, but he still doesn't need it. He has it because, with his own twisted sense of humor, the ringtone amuses him. A good thing, too, because we get to experience the ironic hilarity of that ringtone going off right before Sherlock is set to shoot the explosives that would blow him, John, and Moriarty to smithereens. Thank you, Steven Moffat, for that moment of absurd humor that completely captures Moriarty's character. And, who doesn't love Moriarty's dancing in the Tower of London as he dresses himself in the Crown Jewels? He could just smash the display case and wait for the police to come arrest him; he doesn't have to dance. But he does, and it is glorious. Even his creepier moments come off as awkwardly hilarious. When he asks the police officer to reach into his pocket and makes her put the stick of gum she finds there in his mouth - well, it's a moment so creepy and yet so very Moriarty that you just have to laugh even as you squirm. I'd like to see anyone else pull off what he manages to - even the sing-song delivery of lines like "No, you won't!" when Sherlock says "Catch. You. Later" is just fantastic for the fact that the tone is so odd and out of place. Overall, Moriarty is just odd and out of place and insane, which makes it believable when he is mad enough to kill a child for laughing at him or to commit suicide just to make sure that he wins and Sherlock loses. Yes, while he is completely insane, all his delightful quirkiness makes him a villain impossible to hate.
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She is a student at the Ohio State University with a major in English and a minor in Film Studies. She loves watching 'Sherlock' and 'Doctor Who' and is an aspiring author currently working on her first novel about the Paris catacombs. Follow her on Twitter @sherlocked1058 or email her via View more of her musings on Sherlock and Doctor Who at