Sherlock: 5 Reasons Why Series 3 Was The Most Controversial

2. Back To Life, Back To Moriarty

Yes, we missed you. Contrary to what the writers appear to believe though, not all of us missed you to the extent of wanting you to return. Yet again I'm putting an accusation on Moffat and Gatiss for being slightly spineless (despite my otherwise huge respect for them) because they couldn't go more than one series without bringing back their trump card. I understand that it would be tempting to bring him back since the character was so brilliant and Andrew Scott played him with profound adeptness, but it just doesn't sit well with me. The Conan Doyle stories are filled to the brim with villains so surely the writers could have found one that could be adapted in a winsome manner. If not then they could have extended Magnussen's appearance in the show. His menace felt far too short-lived anyways and he was developed meagrely throughout the course of Series 3. Perhaps if his storyline reached the same intense conclusion at the end of Series 4 it would have been better. What I'm attempting to convey is that Moriarty's return truly wasn't needed. Fans of the character and the actor got a great little moment with him in the "mind palace" so I'm sure they were appeased anyhow. I understand that the writers must have a better reason than fan-service to bring him back, but, nonetheless, the whole situation (from what information we have been given and can assume) renders the ending to "The Reichenbach Fall" almost completely pointless. It's really quite ironic how Moffat said a while back that it would be silly to bring Moriarty back as that would mean that Sherlock and him were "faking suicides at each other" and that would be a "waste of a scene". Well, that's exactly what has happened... as far as we know at least. There is an obscure theory among fans that the whole ordeal was orchestrated by someone else, but even then this would stand as a heavily controversial part. Imagine all those Moriarty fans having their heart-broken if he wasn't to return after all.

Tyler D hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.