Sherlock: Every Episode Ranked Worst To Best

9. Season 1, Episode 2: The Blind Banker

Sherlock Episodes

Out of the earlier episodes that are more about individual capers where we get to watch Sherlock and John grow as friends and partners, The Blind Banker is the least impactful. There is nothing particularly special or memorable about it, especially now after 4 seasons of episodes where the fun adventures were more thrilling, funnier and more emotional.

Playing out like a ripping yarn, The Blind Banker is thoroughly enjoyable if rather light. It's a solid, tight little story but it pales in comparison to more ambitious or controversial episodes that would follow it. However, most importantly it never forgets to keep the viewer guessing and always entertains them.

This approach was key in these early episodes to introduce people to the tone of this modern-day Sherlock Holmes, and it is doubtful if it would have been as successful had it started out with episodes in the style of The Final Problem or The Six Thatchers.

Hopefully if season 5 ever happens, we will see a return to more episodes like The Blind Banker, only utilizing everything that the team behind Sherlock have learnt from later episodes that have raised the stakes and felt like proper movies.


Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding