Sherlock Lives: 10 Theories We Answer After The Empty Hearse

2. The Baskerville Agent

It was a long shot that hallucinogenic drugs would turn up in the answer, but it's nice to see Gatiss reference Derren Brown as one of the crazier ideas that fans have had. It makes a lot of us feel an awful lot more normal. The Baskerville agent might not have made a second appearance to the show, but it was certainly a good red herring for the writers to place, whether it was intentional or not. Because not only did we question whether it played a part, we accepted other outlandish theories on the basis that this was a genuine possibility. Which looking back, it clearly wasn't. Or was it? What if Sherlock wakes up in the shower next week?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.