Sherlock: Series 3 Teaser Trailer Released

sherlock teaser Currently, there are two BBC trailers that viewers across the UK are waiting for with baited breath. Infuriatingly, there is still no sign of a trailer for Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary but, after a year and a half of anticipation and wild speculation that would put most conspiracy theorists to shame, the BBC has finally released the first teaser trailer for Series 3 of Sherlock... It's very brief, and consists mainly of close-ups of the main characters and Sherlock skulking about in the shadows but, for a 26 second teaser, it pretty much does what it's supposed to. And shows us that Watson has grown a questionable moustache since Sherlock's faked death. Shooting only recently began on the third episode "His Last Vow" so Series 3 is still at least a few months away from hitting our screens with the BBC still not confirming any broadcast date. Though January 2014 currently seems likely. But, at least until the first full length trailer surfaces, we've got this teaser and the huge amounts of speculation it will surely cause amongst the fandom to tide us over.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.