The Simpsons: 10 Real Unaired Pitches (And What They Could Have Been About)

5. Amusement Park

Little information can be found surrounding this quite generic sounding pitch by Matt Groening. It sounds more like the starting point for the writers to come up with ideas. The fact this idea was pitched by Groening would indicate that it was early on in The Simpsons' life, back when he was more actively involved in the writing of the show, but although he still has input through his role as creative consultant and as the creator of the show, he is less involved in the writing these days. Amusement parks, alongside fun fairs, have certainly supplied The Simpsons with a great source of comedy and episode content. Mount Splashmore, Duff Gardens, Itchy & Scratchy Land, Storytown Village and Krustyland have all featured in episodes and you suspect they have provided enough opportunity for amusement park jokes for one lifetime. The episodes these amusement parks feature in are some of the series' best ever and little more can be added to what the writers have already provided.
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31 year old father of one with a background in sport. Still a child at heart, which is probably why I like wrestling, TV and films so much. If you like what you read, please follow me on Twitter: @glen_naylor