The Simpsons: 10 Real Unaired Pitches (And What They Could Have Been About)

3. Homer's $1000 Dollar Suit

The idea of Homer having a thousand dollar suit was pitched by Sam Simon, one of the co-developers of The Simpsons. Little is known about the pitch, other than it was left on an index card on the bulletin boards in the offices of the show. It is more of an idea that requires fleshing out as part of an episode but you could see what might happen with it. Homer is known for extravagant purchases bought on a whim - the astrolabe is a prime example. Homer could find a bunch of money on the sidewalk (dropped by Snake after robbing the Kwik-E-Mart) and while meaning well and going to pay off some bills, ends up buying a ridiculously expensive, yet sharp-looking suit. After being mistaken for someone important, he catches Mayor Quimby's attention, who likes his style and employs him at the Mayor's office to help him run the town. When things go wrong, Quimby places the blame on Homer to help him keep his job and Homer returns to his normal life, vowing to never buy anything so stupid again...well, for a while anyway. Simon, like Matt Groening, helped form the style of this series during the show's early few seasons. This idea would probably be around season two or three. This pitch, while not the strongest, has threads that have possibly fed into other episodes - "Simpson and Delilah", where Homer buys Demoxinil and becomes a high powered executive at the Nuclear Plant, is a prime example of this. The Simpsons living in a world beyond their means has brought some good moments and episodes but this pitch on its own wouldn't have provided a classic part of the series' history.
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31 year old father of one with a background in sport. Still a child at heart, which is probably why I like wrestling, TV and films so much. If you like what you read, please follow me on Twitter: @glen_naylor