The Simpsons: 20 Greatest Songs In The Show's History
10. Artists
Episode: Elementary School Musical When Lisa is sent to performing arts camp, she is thrilled to be surrounded by like-minded people. Everyone, from the students (voiced by Glee's Lea Michele, Cory Monteith and Amber Riley) to the counsellors Ethan and Kurt (voiced by Brett McKenzie and Jemaine Clement, aka Flight of the Conchords) makes her feel welcome, while reminding her through a musical medley, of course that ''artists are the most important people in the world''. The reality check will come later, but for now the entire camp spend their efforts maintaining this illusion for impressionable bright young things. And with tunes as good as this, you can't blame Lisa for being lured in. While the song may lack the precision of the Conchords' pastiches, it nevertheless indulges in fast-paced wordplay and throws up lyrics both silly and smart. For example, Ethan and Kurt, all too keen to reach for their guitars, seem comically unaware of their craft's pretensions hence serenading a cow with the line ''I give art like you give milk''. Whether you sympathise with these struggling artists or simply dismiss them as dreamers, you can't deny they've got a damn good sense of rhythm.
9. Scorpio!
Episode: You Only Move Twice Hammock expert, practical joker,'s impossible to feel anything but undying love for Hank Scorpio. And his theme song, performed by Sally Stevens and played over the closing credits, is surely worth your respect too. Not only is it a brilliant Bond theme spoof, it's also a fine homage to one of the most iconic Simpsons characters in the show's history. Its lyrics, as much a job advertisement for his Globex corporation as for Scorpio himself, portray him as the world's greatest boss. Which, despite (or maybe because of) his psychopathic streak, he most certainly is. After all, who could resist ''free dental care and a stock plan that helps you invest?'' But, as you'd expect from a man who brings a flamethrower to the office, there's a dark side. Before you all rush to sign up, you must ''beware of his generous pensions/ Plus three weeks paid vacation each year''. See, there's always a catch. So long, Hank Scorpio. One episode just wasn't enough.
Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit