Skins Cast: Where Are They Now?

1. Nicholas Hoult - Tony

Skins 2007

In Skins

The poster-boy of the first season, Nicholas Hoult played Tony, the academically gifted, volatile, sexually promiscuous alpha male with a particularly dark side to his personality. He's a nightmare for his parents, his girlfriend Michelle, who he loves but cheats on and his best friends, and when he's hit by a bus, you sort of believe he deserved it.

After Skins

Skins was Hoult's real growing up role, and since then he's had a string of major Hollywood roles, starting with X-Men: First Class, which saw him cast in the plum role of Beast. He's jumped across genres, playing in indie films alongside the likes of Mad Max: Fury Road and more X-Men films and he's steadily making his way up to the A-list.

Best Role: Nux, Mad Max: Fury Road

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