Skins Cast: Where Are They Now?

9. Mike Bailey - Sid

Skins 2007

In Skins

Mike Bailey was basically Skins' version of Ron Weasley, the put-upon, less cool side-kick of the main character, Nicholas Hoult's Tony, whose girlfriend he was unfortunately in love with as well. Eventually, he worked out that Tony wasn't good for him, started going out with Cassie and got to have a fling with Michelle, before ending the first season with a brilliant musical number.

Oh, and his father was played by Doctor Who himself, Peter Capaldi.

After Skins

Bailey hasn't done nearly enough since Skins, playing parts in a couple of low-profile films as well as documentary series 1066 The Battle for Middle Earth, British film We Are The Freaks and penis-based comedy short Faulty. Next up, he's got horror Reunion In Hell and web-series Hers and History.

Best Role: Sid, Skins

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