Smallville: 10 Episodes Which Got Superman Right

7. Phoenix (Season 3, Episode 2)

Episode Summary: A double bill in which Clark, again under the influence of red kryptonite, turns to a life of crime. He's saved by Jonathan, imbued with Clark's powers by Jor-El. What is a comic book show without the ability to do a good action scene, with superpowers thrown in? Exile and its second part Phoenix throw probably the season's whole budget away on one big fight, but it's worth it. It's the grandest one yet, with the two Kents falling through the window of a skyscraper. Evil Superman is difficult to do, because it would be devastating for the character to do irreparable damage. There's an intense moment between father and son when Jonathan dares Clark to kill him if that's how he's been raised, and Clark hesitates, but punches the wall instead. Clichéd, maybe, but that's how to do a conflicted Superman, and Smallville shows it can keep the character's integrity and deliver a good old punch-up.

Grace Murray hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.