Sons Of Anarchy 7.10 Review - 5 Talking Points From "Faith And Despondency"

Just three more episodes to go, and things are heating up.

This week's episode began with a bang, or quite a few of them, as pretty much everyone on the show was engaged in an act of fornication in the opening montage, with various levels of passion and consent. And then it ended with an even bigger bang. The one we've all been waiting for. "Faith And Despondency" took us on an incredible roller coaster ride of emotions, running the full gamut of human feelings in a little over an hour. And it was so good that we're left in their difficult place where we can't wait for next Tuesday to arrive so we can jump back into this world, while at the same time dreading its arrival because that draws us closer to the end of the series. The was an episode crafted around relationships, sexual, emotional and familial, and it packed one hell of a punch. The final scene gave us all what we've desperately been waiting for, and while we've been cursing Kurt Sutter for dragging it out, it made the payoff all that much sweeter when it was delivered. With the majority of the Sons of Anarchy's external conflicts either resolved or soon to be so, it's now time to spend the remainder of the series tackling the internal struggles, one of which is about to tear at the club more fiercely than any bullet or badge every could. Let's get to it...

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.