Sons Of Anarchy: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters
Not everyone in Sons of Anarchy was charming.

Throughout the seven seasons of Sons of Anarchy, though the titular MC has stayed at the centre of proceedings, there has been a huge cast of characters that have come and gone around them. Typically anyone who gets too close to the club ends up dead, which usually opens the path for more people to make the mistake of getting too close themselves.
Some of these supporting characters, the likes of Chucky, Venus, and Lyla, are incredibly well liked by fans of the show, but for every one of these, there is a character that is utterly detestable. These have come in many forms over the years.
The Sons of Anarchy are the epitome of having friends in low places. Their chosen lifestyle and lines of business have put them in the same circles as some true lowlifes, on both sides of the law - those that break it, and those that are supposed to uphold it.
The MC has encountered more than their fair share of murderers, liars, and scumbags, and while those tags could be used to describe many of the Sons themselves, they at least have some redeeming qualities. The same simply cannot be said about the characters on this list.
10. Ima
Like Lyla, Ima was one of Luanne's girls, which was her only tie to the Sons of Anarchy. She had a crush on Jax, yet despite knowing that he was with Tara, she continually tried to steal him away from her.
When Abel was kidnapped and taken to Belfast, Jax tried to drive Tara away from the life and the dangers it posed to them, and his way of doing this was to sleep with Ima. She knew that he was cheating with her, and she didn't care.
What's worse is that she was cocky and arrogant, essentially boasting to Tara that she just had sex with her boyfriend. Ima knew exactly how people saw her, and she took advantage of it, even if it meant hurting someone she was supposed to be close to.
In season four, after Opie found Lyla's birth control pills, he went to Ima in the same way that Jax did, and despite being friends with his wife, she slept with him anyway. Afterwards she mocked Lyla over it, and when she was confronted, she held a gun and threatened everyone in the clubhouse. Eventually she got her comeuppance, but not before ruining several lives without giving even a second thought.