Sons Of Anarchy: 15 Insane Details You Definitely Missed!

4. The Meaning Behind The The Crows

Sons Of Anarchy

Crows have served as an important symbol throughout human history. Depending on the culture, these birds are perceived as thieves, tricksters, messengers from the gods, or keepers of souls. But in Sons of Anarchy, crows are depicted as harbingers of death since they always appear before, during, or after a significant character meets their maker.

In the opening shot, we see a pair of crows feasting on a dove, which is often seen as a symbol of purity. In the beginning of the series, Gemma has a pet cockatoo. But after many members of SAMCRO bite the dust, Gemma's pet is replaced with a crow.

In the last scene in the final episode, the song, Come Join the Murder, is played. ("Murder" is a term used to describe a group of crows.) As Jax accepts his death in this scene, we cut to a shot of a crow soaring through the sky while the lyric "curse the raven's fire" is sung. And to top it all off, the series concludes with two crows nibbling on a piece of bread, which mixes with Jax's blood, implying his grisly fate was inescapable.


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