Sons Of Anarchy: 15 Insane Details You Definitely Missed!

1. Christian Symbolism

Sons Of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy may have been originally pitched as "Hamlet on bikes" but it has more allegories to Christianity than anything. From beginning to end, the show is dripping in Biblical references.

In the pilot, we learn Jax's son is called Abel, which is the name of Adam and Eve's child. When Clay is told to stop the drugs from coming in, he says, "If the Devil wants in, he'll find a way," as a reference to the serpent sneaking into Eden. The Mayans' president wears snakeskin boots to symbolise his club is the serpent. Jax reveres his father like he is a divine being. Charming's idyllic appearance and name highlights how it's a stand-in for Eden.

And all those references are just in the first episode! Even though the whole show is filled with Christian symbolism, the most obvious reference is in the finale. Like how Jesus died to save humanity, Jax sacrifices himself to preserve his club's legacy. Just before he crashes into a truck, he holds his arms out, emulating Jesus' pose on the cross. Just before the truck collides into Jax, the driver yells, "Jesus!" just to make sure the viewers got the message.


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