Sons Of Anarchy: 20 Best Lines

15. "Benefit Of An End Date..."

Sons Of Anarchy
"Benefit of an end date: Nothing more dangerous than a guy who knows he’s already dead." - Clay (From "Call Of Duty", Season Four Episode Eleven)

At this point in Sons Of Anarchy, Clay was just waiting for somebody to take a pop at him. During his tenure as SAMCRO leader he'd managed to p*ss off Opie, Gemma, Wayne, Jax, Bobby, and countless others. You can see why he might be a bit gung-ho about how he was going to spend his final days, knowing his number was soon going to be up.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at