Sons Of Anarchy: 20 Most WTF Moments

19. Jax Murdering Every Irish Criminal In Existence

sons of anarchy testicles

Not that Clay was the only member of SAMCRO with blood on his hands by the end. 

In fact, his looked positively fresh in comparison to the ridiculous body count his surrogate kid Jax had racked up. Most of that came in the finale, too, as if the nascent leader of the Sons Of Anarchy was making up for lost time – and boy, did he ever.

Following the lessons of “The Life And Death Of Sam Crow: How The Sons Of Anarchy Lost Their Way”, a manuscript left behind by his dead (real) dad, Jax decides to terminate the gang's affiliation with the IRA. They'd been running guns through the Irish terrorist organisation for a while, and apparently Jax's dad thought it was a bad idea from the start.

Given how much trouble they made for SAMCRO throughout the show, it's hard to argue. Jax decides to break it off with his IRA connections in the most definitive way possible: by straight-up murdering every prominent Irish gangster in California. “My old man tried to sever that tie 20 years ago. Better late than never,” he says after. That's pretty hardcore.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at