Sons Of Anarchy Cast: Where Are They All Now?

18. Henry Rollins - AJ Weston

Sons Of Anarchy

Aryan Brotherhood members AJ Weston and Ethan Zobelle show up in season 2 as the antagonists for SAMCRO. They threaten Clay, rape Gemma, run meth, and burn down SAMCRO's porn studio. The motorcycle gang got their revenge and Weston was killed by Jax.

Another Aryan, another rockstar, as Henry Rollins was the man who would be AJ Weston. The non-stop Rollins has kept busy with acting, writing, music, public speaking, radio, and traveling since the 80's. He rose to fame as the vocalist in Black Flag before embarking on his multifaceted career.

Rollins hasn't slowed down since his SOA role, continuing acting and a radio show, he's also written a column for LA Weekly, published articles in Huffington Post, lent his voice to Adventure Time and Legend of Korra, and you'll be able to hear his voice as Tri-Klops in the upcoming Masters of the Universe: Revelation produced by Kevin Smith


A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate