South Park: 10 Best Pop Culture Gags

2. Scientology

Sp8Episode: Trapped in the Closet Scientology is in and out of the news despite remaining a complete mystery to most. It is a topic most people shy away from but if Matt Stone and Trey Parker are anything, it is unafraid. Trapped in the Closet focuses on Tom Cruise, addressing the rumours that circulated about him being gay without explicitly 'coming out' and saying it. R Kelly's appearance in the episode is a definite highlight. Playing on his Hip Hopera (his words not mine) of the same name, Trapped in the Closet riffs on certain verses where R Kelly's character Sylvester has a tendency to pull out a gun at the slightest provocation. All I can say is that, if you have not seen the original Trapped in the Closet, finish this informative article €“ then visit YouTube immediately. They used this episode to poke fun of a religion that isn't best pleased to be mocked by animating and displaying their beliefs on screen with an overlay reading: This Is What Scientologists Actually Believe. This provocative attitude is arguably what has kept South Park relevant over the years €“ no one is safe, as they are equal opportunity offenders.
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A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson