South Park Elementary: Every Faculty Member Ranked Worst To Best

9. Miss Claridge

South Park Ms. Pearl
Comedy Central

If you want to talk about one-note characters, they don't get much more one-note than this. However, when that singular characteristic is as hilarious and dark as this, it helps you get a few points. Miss Claridge may only make one official appearance - outside of cameos - but she makes the most of it.

"Pre-School" is one of South Park's most mean spirited episodes, as it follows the events of Trent Boyett's release from Juvenile Detention. He comes back with a vengeance against the boys, as they got him sent to Juvie after asking him to light a fire for them. However, Boyett wasn't the only victim that day.

Miss Claridge is a severe burn victim who can't move or talk and can only communicate with beeps. She sits in a mechanical wheelchair that parodies Commander Pike's in the Star Trek episode "The Menagerie" and gets a tonne of humour from her still face and beeping.

But that is all she does, as she's a serviceable role who only exists to prove how dangerous the kids can be. She only steps above the others thanks to her uniqueness, the Star Trek parody, and how memorable she is, despite her briefness.

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