South Park: Kenny’s 12 Greatest Deaths

2. Leading The Armies Of Heaven

South Park
Comedy Central

Best Friends Forever is one of the most Kenny-heavy episodes in mid-period South Park, as Parker and Stone were coming to realise that there was actually a lot more scope to the orange parka-clad boy than they had originally imagined. This is a classic episode which walks South Park’s trademark line of timely social commentary and balls-to-the-wall daftness.

The death itself is pretty mundane - Kenny, transfixed by the Sony PSP (whose inclusion massively dates the episode) wanders into the road and is ploughed down by a driver who is similarly engrossed by the short-lived console.

His death serves a higher purpose, though: it transpires the device was sent to earth by God to determine the one person who could command the armies of heaven against hell’s forces. As this unfolds, the people of South Park argue over whether or not Kenny should be kept on life support.

It’s classic didactic South Park, but more importantly a great character moment for Kenny, who gets to fulfil his destiny only after he’s knocked down dead in the street.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)