South Park Parodies Game Of Thrones: The 15 Best Bits

8. It's Perfect For Cartman

Eric Cartman is one of the most evil, manipulative and self-serving characters ever to appear on screen. It's this that makes him so fun to watch and what allows him to fit so seamlessly into a Game of Thrones parody, as he has all the character traits of the most successful characters in Martin's universe. His duplicitous nature and penchant for lying places him in a prime position in the narrative. It's Cartman that gathers the boys together and gets them thinking about Black Friday in the first place, primarily so that he can get his hands on a cheap game console. He is able to turn friends against each other in order to achieve this goal even causing conflict between Stan and Kyle. Aside from this he has one of the more interesting arcs of the trilogy. After all of this treachery pays off for him and the Xbox One has come out on top he is visibly troubled by Bill Gates' actions. He seems set to actually make the right decision for once, which makes it doubly funny when Matt and Trey interject with their game advertisement.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson