Star Trek: 10 Behind The Scenes Decisions We Can't Forgive

3. Beating Down Michael Burnham

Star Trek Voyager Kez Neelix

Michael Burnham can't catch a break. She's Starfleet's first mutineer, responsible for the murder of her surrogate mother and the war that resulted in the deaths of thousands, her parents were killed by Klingons but she accidentally fell in love with one, she was raised by a less-than-loving foster father, hated by her adopted brother, perved on by her former captain who turned out to be an evildoer from another universe, was reunited with and immediately separated from her long lost bio mom, and also she's the Red Angel, destined to leave her life behind in order to save the universe from the robopocalypse.

But what do we really know about Michael after two seasons of Star Trek: Discovery? She's smart and determined and likes some science, but what does she want in life? What motivates this character? Owing to Sonequa Martin Green's powerhouse performance, we do know that Michael is a strong, independent woman of action, but that's in spite of the fact that the writers of Star Trek: Discovery seem to believe the best way to tell stories about her is by making her sob.

Star Trek: Discovery has replaced developing Michael's character with making her the galaxy's punching bag. The show continually mines drama from tearing Michael down, but with each scene in which Burnham is reduced to tears, the less impact this has.

Thankfully, Star Trek: Discovery is an ongoing series and we'll see what it has in store for Michael Burnham as she Red Angels herself in to the 32nd century. But let's hope, whatever happens to Michael and the crew in the far future, it serves to build Burnham up, rather than tear her down, yet again.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).