Star Trek: 10 Best Cardassian Episodes

5. Nothing Human

DS9 Dukat

Voyager naturally didn't have many dealings with the Cardassians, seeing as how they were hundreds of thousands of light-years away. But one episode rung true on the nature of this species, Nothing Human. In this episode, B'Elanna Torres is attacked by a grotesquely huge centipede-like creature and only the work of Dr. Crell Moset can save her. The Doctor thus creates a hologram of him so the two can work together.

The only problem is that Crell Moset was a Cardassian geneticist whose works could be compared unfavourably to those of Josef Mengele. During the Occupation of Bajor, Crell Moest experimented upon Bajoran prisoners in the name of his research. While his ideas do allow for a surgical procedure to allow the separation of the creature and B'Elanna, many amongst the crew (including the barely conscious B'Elanna) are horrified at the inclusion of Moset, with one Bajoran crewman threatening his resignation if Moset is kept active.

Eventually, Captain Janeway orders the Doctor to use Moset's assistance and separate the the creature from B'Elanna, just as the creature's own kind comes looking for it. While B'Elanna is furious at Janeway for overriding her wishes, she is at least alive. The Doctor must weigh up the ethical ramifications of having a recreation of Moset aboard. His knowledge is invaluable, but his methods of obtaining them are grotesque, more so than any centipede-like being.

This episode reminds us that for every Garak and Damar who are decent people deep down, there were still Cardassians like Crell Moset who did not face any kind of punishment for what they did on Bajor.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'