Star Trek: 10 Classified Starfleet Secrets

8. Dangerous Borg Files

Kor Star Trek

In the iconic two-part Voyager episode Scorpion, the crew entered Borg space for the first time. Prior to this moment, no Federation ship had ever gone so deep inside the Borg's home territory so Janeway tried to prepare by reviewing every file on the Borg she could find, including classified information, likely only available to Captains.

It's a quick shot that's easy to miss, but near the beginning of the episode, when Janeway is doing research on the computer in her ready room, you can see that the Borg files she's looking at are, in fact, classified.

This might seem like a minor detail but it actually tells us a lot. Most people in the Federation have heard of the Borg, so it's likely the classified information pertains to Borg technology, such as nanoprobes, and electronic mind control, which could've been studied from salvaged Borg drones and ships. It makes sense that Starfleet would know a great deal about the tech simply from examining it, but they definitely wouldn't want the Klingons or Romulans to be able to access it.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.