Star Trek: 10 Huge Discoveries That No One Cared About

1. Q

Star Trek God
CBS Television Distribution

The Q Continuum didn't have a beginning, it has simply always been. They are nothing short of gods, other than the slight difference that they do not know everything. They can read minds though, so don't think you can hide anything from them.

Each Q possesses complete and total control over all space, matter, and time in the universe. They can change the course of history on a whim or reduce entire stars to dust so why is it that Starfleet typically reacts to the arrival of Q with nothing more than slight annoyance?

Sure, all Captains in Starfleet are briefed on the Q and told not to play into his games, but here he is, displaying powers beyond anything imaginable, able to solve any problem with ease and the crew of the Enterprise never even bother to ask him some questions. Where do we go when we die? How does the universe end? Stuff like that. Sisko cares so little about Q's godlike abilities that he punches him in the face.

Starfleet treats him like just a simple nuisance to put up with. Janeway got transported back to before the Big Bang by Q and barely reacted. Even Riker, upon gaining the powers of the Q, treats it like nothing more than a cool party trick...

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.