Star Trek: 10 Moments That Confirm J/C (Janeway & Chakotay)

6. Borrowing Dante

Star Trek Prodigy Janeway And Chakotay
CBS Media Ventures

When Voyager is split into however many levels of temporal Hell in Shattered, Chakotay must become guide to a necessarily uninformed, pre-Delta Quadrant Captain Janeway as they try together to get the space-time continuum back in sync. It's a rare final season episode to be carried by the Commander, and an even rarer later moment for J/C, distilled as it was into pure chronokinetic concentrate.

"A soldier and a philosopher," says Janeway's Dante to Chakotay's Virgil, just out of the Borg fire and now into the Inferno. The fact that Janeway had lent, or would lend, her copy of that part of the Divine Comedy to Chakotay in the first place spoke more than just one volume, for it had been an engagement gift from ex- (or current, depending on how you look at it) fiancĂ© Mark.

That Janeway didn't know it yet, but she was set to get the most well-travelled "Dear John" letter in human history from Mr Johnson in Hunters. We certainly don't blame her for quite literally cutting Mark out of the picture once Voyager got home, going by the photo with Mollie, the Irish Setter, in Admiral Janeway's Voyager-A ready room. You do you, and more space for Chakotay!

The 'epic' of 'epic poetry' in Shattered where J/C is concerned concludes after all barriers have been crossed but one. Janeway's pointed question gets a half-pointed answer, perhaps not the one we were after, but the one we were expecting. In any case, there's still purgatory before paradise, and a lot more temporal obstacles besides!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.