Star Trek: 10 Reasons Enterprise Totally Sucked

6. Bad Planet-Of-The-Week Episodes

entsucks5 One of the advantages of television is it's ability to tell stand-alone stories with existing characters, continuously. In fact, it's the defining characteristic of the medium. So when a show fails in this department, it's just about over. Enterprise started out not strong, per se, but manageable. Then the Xindi storyline came along and from then to the end of the series, it seems like anything that wasn't related to the main story or part of a two or three-parter was throwaway material. I'm not even sure why at this point. I can't tell you what went wrong, whether it was the writers, producers, or performers, or just dumb luck. I will go back and watch the third and fourth seasons and find swaths of them unwatchable. Maybe I'm a judgmental bastard. who am I kidding, I am a judgmental bastard. But I am endeared by Enterprise, and I want it to be good. But it makes it so hard sometimes. Next section.
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I am a writer and musician born and raised in Montana. I have done everything from fixing fences in Glacier National Park to curating the music library at KBGA Missoula. I am also a lazy jerk.