Star Trek: 10 Reasons The Eugenics War Would Make A Quality TV Series

9. Into Darkness Has Paved The Way For It

trekcoffins__span It's fair to say that despite Star Trek's impressive achievements it hasn't always been seen as "cool". Even Paramount realised this, and originally omitted the name from Enterpise during its first two seasons. It wasn't until the new vision developed by J.J. Abrams and co. that the franchise would break this image; For many people Into Darkness is their first example of Star Trek, and it has left them wanting more. Hopefully they will all have gone back to watch The Wrath of Khan, but even for those who still turn their backs to classic Trek, a Eugenics Wars series could be just the answer. More than just getting this new audience into Star Trek, Into Darkness is a great starting point which gives them the information they would need (as well as leaving a few questions that they would need answering) to get into a specific Eugenics Wars series. Who exactly was Khan? Why did he care so much about his family of 72 others, and indeed, who are they? Questions established fans would already know answers to, but would love to see shown on screen. Essentially, the series is guaranteed an audience before it's even been written. It also has to be mentioned here that Into Darkness didn't always get the best reception from the "uncool" fans who had stuck with Star Trek through the years however, plaigerising much loved moments from the franchise's history to the point of exhaustion. A Eugenics Wars series would be one way of combing elements that both old and new fans would enjoy, as well as specifically addressing a number of questions anyone would have about Into Darkness, regardless of their fandom...

One man fate has made indescribable