Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of Enterprise NX-01 You Need To Know

9. A New Ride

Star Trek Enterprise NX-01

Because UPN had demanded that Enterprise premiere less than a year after Star Trek: Voyager went off the air, this meant the behind-the-scenes crew had to rush to begin construction on the NX-01's interiors. According to Kate Mulgrew and Robert Picardo, as production of the final episode of Voyager neared completion, the sets were hastily destroyed – even while filming took place – to make way for the new show.

While both Mulgrew and Picardo looked back at that incident as a frustrating and emotional memory, it was actually a bigger moment than even they knew. While the Voyager actors were familiar with those sets as the USS Voyager, the standing sets actually dated back to 1977's aborted Star Trek revival, Star Trek: Phase II. Over the course of three decades, the sets on Paramount Stage 9 would be redressed and reconfigured to serve as the Enterprise in the motion pictures, as the Enterprise-D in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and as the USS Voyager in Star Trek: Voyager.

By the time Enterprise went into preproduction, the sets were old and the new show called for a ship unlike anything that had appeared before, resulting in the destruction of the legacy sets and the construction of a brand new NX-01.

Though Stage 9 had housed Star Trek's main starships for decades, the main action in Enterprise took place on Stage 18 which was home to the NX-01 from 2001 to 2005.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).