Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Borg Cube You Need To Know

2. Vital Systems

Star Trek Borg Cube
Paramount Pictures

During the opening battle sequence of 1996's Star Trek: First Contact, Captain Picard is depicted as retaining a connection to the Borg some five years after his assimilation in Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Best of Both Worlds, Parts 1 and 2". Thankfully, this connection comes in handy when Starfleet is seemingly losing its fight with a Borg cube attacking Earth in the Battle of Sector 001.

Bringing the Enterprise-E into the fray, Picard orders the fleet to target all their weapons onto a specific set of coordinates, which Lieutenant Commander Data says "do not appear to be any vital systems". Nevertheless, Picard's intuition proves correct and the fleet destroys the Borg cube. Just exactly what coordinates Picard plugged into the computer is left vague, used in the film simply to portray Picard's intimate knowledge of the Borg.

However, when asked precisely what parts of the Borg cube Picard ordered the fleet to target, screenwriter Ronald D. Moore had an answer. In a June 1998 AOL chat (yep), Moore had the following, succinct explanation:

Waste extraction. It'll get you every time.

For those unaware, "waste extraction" was a Deep Space Nine-era euphemism for 24th century toilets. Meaning not only do Borg drones apparently still go to the bathroom after they're assimilated, Jean-Luc Picard knows exactly where they put it.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).