Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Q Continuum

8. Quinn The Philosopher

star trek secrets of the continuum
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The death of the Q known as Quinn was one of the most profound moments in the Continuum's history. Quinn was a respected philosopher among his people, before he was stripped of his powers and imprisoned inside of a comet to prevent him from committing suicide.

When the Voyager crew encountered him in the episode Death Wish, Quinn explained that life in the Continuum had become painfully boring and pointless, as they have already seen and done everything imaginable. Q avoided his boredom by toying around with Humans like Picard and Vash, but this didn't work for Quinn. He desired to end his own life to escape the monotony, but the Continuum would not allow him to, believing that the suicide of a Q would encourage others to do the same, causing untold social upheaval in the Continuum.

With Voyager's help, Quinn was allowed to become mortal. He lost his powers and briefly served as a crewman on Voyager, before deciding to go through with his suicide.

Just as Q predicted, Quinn's death provoked a huge conflict in the Continuum between advocates of personal freedom and the supporters of traditional Q culture. This bloody war caused the death of several more Qs, but it was eventually ended when Q and his partner decided to reproduce, creating the first new Q in over ten millennia.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.