Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Q Continuum

3. 'Don't Provoke The Borg!'

star trek secrets of the continuum
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

As we talked about earlier, Q's son, Q Junior, was brought to Voyager by his father in the episode Q2, in the hopes that Janeway would teach him to be more compassionate and careful with his powers. Unfortunately, he almost immediately started toying with the crew by harassing Seven, removing Neelix's mouth, and teleporting three Borg Cubes in the ship's path.

Not wanting to see Janeway and the others assimilated, Q returned to save them from his son's antics, and scolded him, saying, 'If the Continuum has told you once, they have told you a thousand times: don't provoke the Borg!'

The way Q phrased his words here was interesting. One has to wonder why Q was so afraid of provoking the Borg, especially since he could change reality so easily, and likely even destroy the whole Collective with a single thought. Also, it was Q who first introduced Starfleet to the Borg in the Next Gen episode Q Who. Maybe he should take his own advice.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.