Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Romulan Warbird You Need To Know

4. Workplace Of The Enemy

Star Trek The Next Generation Romulan Warbird

Along with the Klingon Bird-of-Prey and the Vor'cha-class attack cruiser, the Romulan warbird was one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most frequently recurring alien starships. However, unlike those Klingon vessels (whose interiors were built for the The Original Series movies and reused on TNG), there was no standing set for the warbird's interior.

For the majority of episodes in which the Romulan warbird appeared, the interior of the ship was represented by a single wall adorned with a Romulan emblem. However, on the rare occasion an episode called for action to actually take place within the warbird, new sets were constructed for each such instance.

The episodes "Contagion", "Face of the Enemy", and Deep Space Nine's "The Die is Cast" are the only episodes to feature scenes on a Romulan warbird's bridge and each episode featured newly constructed (or redressed) sets. The most elaborate Romulan warbird bridge set appeared in the latter episode, a heavily modified and reworked set previously built for the aborted Star Trek: Phase II and later used as the refit Enterprise bridge in Star Trek: The Motion Picture through Star Trek: IV The Voyage Home, before it was repurposed as a swing set for TNG and DS9.

Years later when the script for Star Trek Nemesis called for scenes to take place aboard the Romulan warbird Valdore, the bridge of the Enterprise-E was heavily modified to become the Romulan bridge.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).