Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The USS Enterprise E You Need To Know

8. 24 Decks... Or Not

Star Trek First Contact Enterprise
Paramount Pictures

During their tour of the Borg-ridden corridors in Star Trek: First Contact, Picard tells Lily Sloane a bit about the Enterprise-E, saying the ship is almost 700 meters long and 24 decks tall. However, Picard might not have known his ship as well as he thought.

Blueprints used in the construction of the filming miniature for First Contact only accounted for 23 decks, while dialogue later in the movie specifically stated that the Borg had assimilated decks 26 up to 11.

To make matters worse, Star Trek Nemesis featured a line of dialogue saying that the Remans had beamed aboard the Enterprise-E on deck 29, but then depicted the Reman Viceroy plummeting several more decks to his death from there.

Of course, the Enterprise-E isn't the first Federation starship to magically change size when it suited the story or the drama (see this exposé on the ever shifting size of the USS Defiant), but it's clear the size of the Sovereign-class was never fully decided by the producers. With all the evidence, the Enterprise-E had between 23 and 29 decks, definitely not 24 as stated by Captain Picard – must've been that Irumodic Syndrome acting up already.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).