Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The USS Enterprise E You Need To Know

5. 25% New Material

Star Trek First Contact Enterprise
Paramount Pictures

As with the Enterprise-D and Voyager before her, the USS Enterprise-E was only kind of a brand new ship when she launched in Star Trek: First Contact.

While many of the locations including the bridge, corridors, and engineering were brand new sets created specifically for First Contact, numerous other settings aboard the Enterprise-E were reused assets from Star Trek: Voyager.

First Contact utilized Voyager's sickbay and cargo bay sets for the sickbay and weapons locker aboard the Enterprise-E.

Star Trek: Insurrection would also use Voyager's sickbay set as well as Captain Janeway's quarters for Captain Picard's quarters, Voyager's ready room doubled for Counselor Troi's office, Voyager's board room stood in for Deanna Troi's bathroom, and Voyager's engineering section was redressed to serve as the Enterprise-E library.

By the time Star Trek Nemesis went into production, Star Trek: Voyager had wrapped and its standing sets were trashed, leaving only the windows from Janeway's quarters for use in the Enterprise-E's sets.

As Spock (and Aristotle) said in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, "nature abhors a vacuum". Star Trek abhorred waste.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).